Never too old to learn something new...

Hello to all you lovely people,

I'm fully moved into my new flat and making it feel like a lovely cosy place to relax and unwind so I thought it was about time I put my efforts into some new and exciting.

I've always liked the idea of learning a musical instrument and over time I've dabbled in a couple of things; the violin, keyboard and most recently (but not that recent) the saxophone. Unfortunately, I got bored, I couldn't stick with them, I didn't want to practice so gave them up after a year or so.

I've always wanted to try my hand at something a bit more rock 'n' roll like the guitar or drums. In his heyday, my dad used to play the drums, I think I maybe got the interest from him. My boyfriend is also a drummer, has been in bands and has a real passion for music; not to fangirl over him but I think he's really cool.

In my eyes, I'm not cool, I don't have a talent but I want to have something. I got that little bit closer at the weekend when my said cool boyfriend, started to teach me some drum techniques, baring in mind we had no drum kit this had to be done on my knees with a pair of drumsticks. I have to say, it's a damn sight harder than it looks but you know what, I enjoyed it.

I couldn't get my mind to work in unison with with hands and my feet but I think that comes with practice (or so I'm told). I mean this is all super basic stuff I'm learning but this could be something I might actually want to stick with; plus it looks cool!

My boyfriend also gave me his ukulele to learn as that's been something I've wanted to practice for a while. I have dreams of sitting on a beach strumming those strings and getting lost in my surroundings, I've just got to learn the thing first. I gave some youtube videos a go but my fingers felt so unnaturally placed on the strings I wasn't sure I was doing it right. On the plus side though, my new housemate used to play so I think she's going to teach me as much as she can.

Ahh, all these wonderfully talented people to just surround me with music, I'll just sit next to them and hope their skills rub off onto me.

I just need to stop being so impatient with things, if I don't get something straight away, don't give up, keep at it and carry on. Music makes me happy, so really it's time to push myself into doing something new and making something myself.

I'll let you know how I get on; who know's, I might have another hair-brained idea a couple of weeks down the line.

Ciao for now xx
They're mine now!